The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The other day while I was at work, I heard a mother across the street going off on one of her children. Mind you, I have no idea what the issue was and I wasn't paying enough attention to hear exactly what was being said. That is until she went to leave. At that point she said something to the effect that she didn't want her little jerk child going with her.

Last summer, again as I was working on a house (this one right around the corner from church), the lady next door got upset with her daughter. All I remember hearing is momma calling her little girl a lying little "bitch".

When we were living in Ky., we used to regularly hear the guy next door letting his kids have it and one of our current neighbors has a tendency to go off on his kids.

Now I know that I occasionally get mad at my children and at times I'm close to pulling my hair out (if you've seen my head recently, that's due to heredity, not the kids (or the wife)). I sure hope that I exhibit a little more grace and restraint than this when the kids get under my skin. I am confident that the next time I get mad at either or both of them that these examples will be lingering in the back of my mind.


Kelly said...

You know what I think of parents that behave that way. But last night as you were typing this, I was reminded that we tend to parent the way we were parented-for the most part anyway. These people don't know any better. That doesn't make it right in any way, but it is up to us that were parented better and who have Christ in their lives, to try and help them see the error of their ways and tha damage they do to their children.
And yes, we both tend to loose our tempers sometimes with the munchkins, but I think we are doing o.k. We are by no means perfect, but our kids are pretty awesome. Yes, I am a little biased in my opinion.

Helen Ann said...

I have had a few of my own experiences with that kind of thing...It always hurts my spirit... :(