The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

One off hand remark

Not long after we (VWS) moved into our current facility, I opened one of the cabinets in the kitchenette and discovered this cool looking electric griddle. I'd see it again every now and then and always have the same thought, I'd like to get that thing out and do up a batch of pancakes on it. About 6 weeks ago I happened to open that cabinet while Rick Barker was next to me and I mentioned to him that someday I'd like to make a mess of pancakes for church. Within minutes, it went from a few batches of pancakes to an entire Easter breakfast for the whole church.

The breakfast itself went off pretty well. We had more than enough of just about everything to serve the roughly 250 people who stopped by. We had so many people volunteer to help prepare, serve and clean up after the meal that there were a few times I couldn't see through them all to see the other side of the kitchen. All of these great people who pitched in and did most of the work deserve a sincere thank you and, I'd name them all off but out of concern that I'd leave one out. But they know who they are and if you're reading this, Thanks for helping make this morning go as smoothly as it did.

I heard a rumor that the idea was tossed out to make a church breakfast a monthly event. Provided the finances and other logistics could be taken care of, I think that could be a good idea. I'd love to see each of our established life groups pick a month and go for it (the majority of our life group was there to help out this morning).

There is one question that keeps going through my mind though, and it sounds severely egotistical even to me and it's not meant to be. If I had not made an off hand remark to the person I did at the time I did, would this ball have started rolling? Would some other series of events have lead to the same result (or possibly a better one)? What events that we attribute to any certain individual would have occurred through some other individual had not the first individual been earlier getting it done?

Not that I in anyway think there is any comparison but an example of the basic philosophical question is this: If the Wright brothers hadn't demonstrated flight when they did, wouldn't someone else have stepped up not long after and been "first in flight"? Would someone else have created Mickey Mouse if Walt Disney hadn't been around? How much of what happens in the world is more a result of the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, etc of the time than the result of the efforts of a few individuals?

Any way, I hope the people we got to serve enjoyed the meal as much as I enjoyed helping make it.

Happy Easter (or as my brother-in-law would say: Happy Resurrection Day) to all .


DanThoms said...

I ask the same kind of questions and my family and me have argued both sides. Anyhow, loved breakfast.

Helen Ann said...

My brain is on spring break so I can't answer the philosophical question...But I can say that them taters were gooooddd! Thanks for the off-hand remark!

Kelly said...

In answer to your question, I fully believe this is what God wanted for you and for the church. So, I believe He set up the circumstances to work it out the way He wanted. Had those circumstances not worked, He may have found another way.

And yes Helen, those potatoes were killer. I know the secret recipe and will share!

cinciann said...

can't believe I missed what must have been a delicious breakfast, Doug! And, welcome back to the blogosphere...where have you been?

Doug said...


I guess I haven't had much to say.