The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend wars

Anyone that knows us knows that Kelly and I had a bit of a difference of opinion this past weekend. One of us did something the other one is not the least bit happy about and it opened up a small can of worms and hard feelings that it's taken a few days to deal with.

However, the fascinating thing about it all is this; despite how angry, hurt, upset, alienated, etc. one of us was with the other, we both knew that the love we have was never in question.

As a matter of fact, in order to stay angry, I had to make sure not to look at Kelly. Not that we have very many disagreements, fights or arguments, because they are few and far between, but whenever Kelly and I get into one of these situations, I just have to look at her and I start to melt. Makes it nearly impossible to win an argument! Just once, I'd like to see her give in before I turn to butter.

So, while we don't see eye to eye about some things, I'm still glad I have my little lady (even with that &*&%%##%&&%$$ thing).


Kelly said...

You are so funny. I love you also, even with that @#$%$#$#@ smell you come home with on your breath sometimes! And for anyone reading this, no it is not alcohol! Maybe when we have an argument we should just walk around with bags over our heads?

Reverb said...

Limburger and onion sandwich?

Kelly said...

Yep, you guessed it ryan!

Helen Ann said...

Awww...Doug, I'm sorry our girl party was the cause of some strife. :( It really was a date day with Jesus. If we all told you our stories it might make a difference...But I thought it was cool that, despite your cognitive dissonance this weekend, you took a picture of all of our tats with your phone. :) You are an awesome guy...And a great sport!


DanThoms said...

There's only one choice, you have to get some ink. You can get my name in a heart on your bicep.

Kelly said...

Helen-yeah, he's awesome!
Dan-I'll design the tat withyour name in a heart! Ha-ha, Craig would get a kick out of that one I'm sure!

Doug said...

Kelly, If I remember correctly, you married me because I made you laugh. And that was just from looking at me, before I ever got to say anything. 6 months from now when we have our next argument I'll try to remember the bags, but I'm not walking around. I get enough bruises when I can see where I'm going.

Ryan, guess again. Hint: I've given up most of my bad habits, but not all of them.

Helen, thanks. And yes there was a bit of cognitive dissonance to work through. I sent the pics to Kelly's cell so she could get them on the computer. I don't know what she did with them.

Dan, are you nuts? On second thought, I'll consider getting something on my arm (NOT Dan inside a heart) provided they use invisible ink.