The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

True confessions./ God is good, always

I've never really been very emotional. Today I listened closely as the news covered the airplane plane splash landing in the Hudson river in New York. At first, I was mostly interested in the events leading up to the plane going down. What was the cause, how long had it been in the air, how did the crew get the plane to perform a perfect splash landing. Then I became more and more interested in the rescue efforts.
As I was driving home from work, it was confirmed that there were no fatalities and minimal injuries. It was at that point that I started to feel this lump develop in my throat and some odd moisture attempting to attack my eyes. Of course, I fought it back. Repeatedly. The last ten minutes of the drive home, every time I thought about what could have happened and what did happen, the same feelings started to come over me. I must be getting a cold.
God is good!



Kelly said...

Yes He is. But I still think someone stole my husband and replaced him with someone that looks, talks and for the most part thinks like him, but with an added amount of emotion-quite nice I might add.

DanThoms said...

I felt the same way as I was listing to a report about it on NPR. Quite amazing.

Reverb said...

He is good, all the time.

I loved watching some of those rescue scenes on TV was so exciting to watch what felt like a victory in an overwhelmingly disaster-lensed media world.

Good schtuff.