The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 things

Kelly got on facebook and everyone was writing 25 things about themselves. I'm not on facebook, so I thought I'd try it here. So, here it goes:

  1. I once fell asleep while walking on a tread mill at a fitness center. Thus my fear of exercise.

  2. I've been on one blind date in my life. Her dog and I didn't get along. (actually, she didn't have a dog, and I wound up marrying her).

  3. I often worry that someday her vision is going to come back and she'll see what she really got stuck with.

  4. One of my childhood ambitions was to be an astronaut. The fear of heights thing got in the way.

  5. I once rolled down a hill in a dump truck and landed with the wheels pointed toward the sky. I have no idea how I got that scratch on my shoulder.

  6. Someday, I'd like to write a book.

  7. Being a stand up comedian would be a great gig, though I would probably sit on a bar stool while on stage.

  8. It's nice to know that there are people out there that think I'm funny and I make them laugh.

  9. All three of them are relatives.

  10. I could easily spend half a day looking for an item at Lowe's or Home Depot.

  11. There was a time when I ate at McDonald's at least 4 or 5 times a week.

  12. There was a time I weighed 40 or 50 pounds more than I do now.

  13. Whenever it snows and the roads get really bad, I have a strong urge to get in the car and go somewhere. Anywhere.

  14. Something I have wondered for a long time: If brain transplants were possible, what would happen if you took a mans brain and placed it in a woman's body (or a woman's brain in a mans body)?

  15. I enjoy doing coffee at church.

  16. For the most part, I enjoy work. I'm just as comfortable doing carpentry, computer programing, customer service or chopping logs.

  17. I firmly believe that when all's said and done, there's more said than done.

  18. There were about 450 in my high school graduating class. I never went out with any of them.

  19. The usual first response when people find out that I am "color blind" is to ask me what color this thing or that thing is. When I usually give the right answer, people either don't believe I'm actually "color blind" or they don't understand how I can guess correctly so often. The one thing that nobody understands is that being asked " If you're color blind then what color is this?" gets annoying after a while. (If you want to get an idea what a whole lot of people around you see, go to
  20. Sorry, didn't mean to soap box.
  21. My favorite bands of the 70's and 80's are Styx, Kansas, Fleetwood, Foreigner and Boston, in that order.
  22. My all time, absolute favorite "comedian" was Red Skelton. I remember, as a little kid, my family sitting in front of the tv for a half hour getting a good, clean laugh. I only wish I would have had an opportunity to tell him how much I appreciated his work.
  23. Bungie jumping once is crazy. More than once is insane. I am not insane.
  24. If my girlfriend hadn't been standing on the ground watching me, I'd have taken the harness off and walked back down to the ground.
  25. I hope somewhere between 1 and 24 was something that made someone smile.


Kelly said...

Reagrding #10, You could easily spend ALL day at Lowes or Home Depot.

You always make me smile. well, except fo rthat one look I did get.

DanThoms said...

Dude, you crack me up.