The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hollywood and elitism

One of the blessings (or curses) of spending a large portion of your day slapping the same color paint on a different wall is that it often gives you time to let your mind wander. The other day I was thinking about Hollywood and that sometimes the stuff they think up for an episode of one of the cop shows can be pretty sick. What kind of mind comes up with this stuff? And, not that I have ever been a prude, but why is it that there's so much sleeping around in Hollywood? Why does it seem that every show has to have at least 1 homosexual, a broken marriage, fatherless children/single moms, an extramarital affair and/or blatant casual sex?
Anyway, on Wednesday one of the topics of discussion on the radio was Roman Polanski. After being convicted of rape and sodomy 30 (?) years ago of a then 13 year old girl who he got drunk and fed drugs before attacking, Polanski took off to Europe to avoid serving his sentence. After all these years, the government is trying to extradite him back to the US to serve his sentence. At first, I wondered why, all the sudden after so long, they are finally trying to do something. With the high regard that I hold the current Administration, I naturally got the idea that Polanski is just a smoke screen to get attention off the health care thing for a while. But that's a topic for another day.
Yesterday morning it was reported that at least 150 of Hollywood's big wigs had petitioned the Governor to drop the whole matter, because Polanski is an Oscar winning director and (my words) is too important to be subjected to the inconvenience of jail time. He remains one of the Hollywood elite, be he a dirt bag or not. Last night I read that Whoppi Goldberg was lamenting that what Polanski did was not "rape rape". What? He had forcible whoppi with an underage, drunk and drugged girl. Though a 13 year old can't legally give consent, he still didn't have it.
So, what's up with the Hollywood elite? I am sure that the 6 normal people in Hollywood would want Polanski jailed, even while feeling sorry for him for what Charlie Manson did to his wife. But what about the rest of them? Does being in the movie/TV industry make you any better than the rest of us?
At least Mel Gibson is out there to provide some balance. God bless him!


Helen Ann said...

It surprises me that Whoopie Goldberg has the opinion that she does on the matter. She strikes me as one who would call rape what it was...

As for Mel...I'm not sure that was sarcasm or not...But he and his wife just split and he is running around with a younger chickie that is having his baby...Mind you, I love Mel and The Passion is a testament to his faith, but he's not exactly living the opposite of the rest of Hollywood... :)

Doug said...

So Hollywood got to Mel Also. Didn't know that. Such a shame. Still got to give a pat on the back for having the guts to actually make The Passion and I love the lethal weapon series.

Who's left out there that doesn't bow at the sight of Pelosi?

Kelly said...

The people in Hollywood, as well as polititcians seem tho think they are better than us, that I am certain of. I used to think they were also. But now I know what they lack and what I have. I would guess that the majority of these people are all starved for attention and love. Too bad they are looking in the wrong places.

Francy said...

It's moral relativism -- the idea that what is right or wrong and good or bad is not absolute but depends on the person, circumstances, or social situation. I think we all suffer from that to a degree but it is rampant in hollywood. But I watch TV and movies that have all that stuff in it, so does that make me complicit? I heard on the Today's Show that the girl that Polanski raped has forgiven him and doesn't want to see him extradited. I'm glad she was able to forgive him but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have to serve his time in jail. The whole story makes me wonder if he has done this to other girls? I mean, who does that kind of thing? Child molesters.

DanThoms said...

Whoopie Goldberg has had 6 abortions so I hardly think her opinion on morality matters. As for Polanski, it sad that anyone would take a stand for him. He fled the country to escape jail time.