The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Time travel and other stuff

For the last few weeks, I've been thinking about creating a Blog and what I would do with it once it was created. All these wonderful topic ideas came to mind, but, as often happens with me, I've forgotten most of them.

Most of the time I'm at work, I am pretty much by myself , usually doing things that don't require a lot of mental effort. In other words, I have plenty of time to ponder a wide assortment of topics without much interruption. Some are rather mundane, others involve the nature of the world. The funny thing is that once I solve one of the worlds problems, my mind will wonder off onto another topic and I'll forget the solution I'd come up with earlier.

One of the mundane things I enjoy thinking and talking about is the idea of time travel. "Back to the Future" was an imagination inspiring movie. In no particular order, here are some of the events and times I'd like to go back and see:

1. Roswell, New Mexico - July 7, 1947 - Whether it was a weather baloon, an alien space ship, or some other secret government project, I'd like to know what really crashed into those fields.

2. Bethleham - about 2008 years ago - Was Jesus born in a cave, a barn, or what? (By the way, what was Jesus's answer if he left the door open and Mary asked him if he was born in a barn?)

3. Dallas, Texas - 1962 - Not that I want to see Kennedy get shot, I'd just like to know if whats his name worked alone.

4. Big Bang minus 10 seconds - Not that I completely believe or disbelieve the Big Bang theory, but if it is accurate, I'd like to know what preceeded it.

5. The Garden of Eden - Just because it sounds like paradice.

6. Noah"s Ark - I'd like to see how Noah got all those animals on that boat (I'd also like to try to talk him into squashing those flys).

7. Dates uncertain - I've read about several villages established in North America that, by the time the boat completed the round trip to Europe and back, all evidence of the villages and villagers had disappeared. I'd like to know what happened to them.

8. How cool would it be to watch as the Aztecs set eyes on a White Man" for the first time?

9. As Michelangelo painted the Sistine (?) chapel, I'd like to ask if he was trying to depict God pulling the old "Pull my Finger" Routine on Adam.

10. The Last Supper - What did they eat? Who all was there? Where was it? And so on.

There are a lot more that don't come immediately to mind. I'll save them for another day. I'm curious where others would go if able (only to watch, changing any outcomes is not allowed, except for those flys).


Kelly said...

I won't give specific dates here, but I'll go back with you. I'd go back to when Lucille Ball was alive. I Love Lucy was one of my favorite shows growing up. I would love to have met her.

I'd also go back to when my great grandpa and great grandma were alive. I would just like to talk to them some more, have more time with them.

I'd also like to spend sometime in the 50's. I would have to have a poodle skirt though.
And the 60's, I think I'd be a great hippie.

Maybe I could just spend a week in each decade from the 1900's. I might skip the 80's though. I've seen enough pink and green and big hair.

Doug said...

You know I would have loved an opportunity to meet and chat with Red Skelton. I think you'd be cute in a poodle skirt and I can see you as a hippie (I'm not so sure about the "free love" thing though).

Unknown said...

I've been to Rosewell. It's a weird little town