The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Friday, December 12, 2008

God spoke and I didn't listen?

When I stoped this morning to get gas in the van, I noticed a scratch along the drivers side that I didn't remember seeing before. As the sun came up farther, and I took a closer look, the scratch got bigger and was accompanied by a nice fresh dent and damage to the bumper. Though Kelly sometimes accuses me of being oblivious, I think I would have noticed any sort of contact with another vehicle had it happened while I was driving. My suspicions were confirmed when I got home and found car parts (not from the van) laying in the street next to where the van had been parked. One of the parts was an identical match to a piece I found sticking out of the rear wheel well. Yep, someone hit the car last night. Probably while we were sleeping (even Kelly didn't hear anything). Presumably with another motorized vehicle. Hopefully not on purpose.

I've never been much for "premonitions" and generally I wouldn't have any clue if God was talking to me or if the voices I "hear" in my head came from elsewhere. But the really odd thing about the van getting hit is that the thought occurred to me last night that I should park the van in the driveway for the evening. Not only do I never park the van in the drive, it never crosses my mind to do so. Until last night. And I didn't listen.

Had the van been off the street, it probably would have no new dents. I would also be unaware that another vehicle crossed through the space that is normally occupied by the van. I surely would not have it in my head that God was trying to warn me and I ignored him.

So, God, if you were trying to tell me something, thanks much for the effort. I should have recognized the voice as yours and followed your suggestion.

And, to whoever hit the van, I hope you didn't get hurt. Some of the missing parts from your vehicle are in the trunk of a Delhi Township Police car if you want them back. Most of the other parts missing from your car are in the trash. And, by the way, thanks for not waking me in the middle of the night to tell me that you tore up my van. Just ask my wife, my beauty sleep is ineffective enough, even without having it interrupted over some such trivial matter.


Kelly said...

At least you recognized that voice as possibly being God's. I've heard this said before, if you have a thought, a thought that could possibly benefit you or someone else in some way, and this thought came from "nowhere", it is God. Now you know and next time maybe you'll listen.
And I'm pretty ticked that they didn't wake us in the middle of the night, or come back by at some point to fess up. Cowards. What goes around, comes around though.

Doug said...

As I have said before, it would be a lot easier to identify the "voice" of God in my head if it didn't sound like all the rest of the "voices" in my head.

It would have been nice if the perp had stopped back, and I'd bet there was alcohol involcved.

Reverb said...

I like this post a lot.

Sorry about the van though.