The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


In our life group last night, we talked a little about Christmas and gift giving. I understand that "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" and I'm not real sure where the whole gift giving thing came from (Yes, I know about the 3 wise men). But, to be honest, the last few Christmases have been a little depressing for me because I haven't been financially able to do what I want to in the gift giving department. Not to say that I have flamboyant tendencies, but I really used to enjoy being able to buy the thing I wanted to buy for someone without worrying about the cost. And it's not that I feel that I HAVE to go out and get gifts for everyone. It's that I want to. It especially breaks my heart that I can't afford that really nice present for Kelly (whatever it would happen to be). If you asked her, she would tell you that she doesn't want anything. And, that would be a completely truthful statement. After all, while trying to keep our heads above water with our bills, we are trying to save up for a trip we are taking with Kelly's family this summer. It is the whole families Christmas present to each other. However, I absolutely love that look on Kelly's face when she opens that last Christmas present, the one I've been saving for the end.

The same goes for the kids. While the last thing my children need is more toys, it's still fun watching them get opened.

Now, here's the irony. Every year we get together with Kelly's family on Christmas Eve for the gift exchange, lots of very fattening food, and an overall good time. Due to the above mentioned upcoming trip, we have all agreed to limit the gift giving to nothing. Thats right. No gifts (well, we will do the white elephant thing and see who winds up with the autographed George and Laura Bush picture and the matching slippers). I am so cool with this. I've actually looked forward to Christmas Eve this year since about last Christmas Eve. If we aren't spending so much time opening gifts, we'll have more time to have fun with each other.

Ok, so maybe it's not so much about the actual gifts that I can't give, it's about the fact that I have to worry about spending the money. I'm just having a little trouble "getting into" the season this year. Maybe I can make something. Anyone need a mess. I make them very well.


Kelly said...

I think it is so cool that you enjoy Christmas Eve with my family so much. And you are correct, I don't want anything. I have everything I always wanted.

Doug said...

Honestly, how could I not. They're actually pretty cool people. Besides, I like shrimp and on top of it all, they think I'm funny.

Helen Ann said...

I also have yet to really get into the "spirit" this year. But then C-mas isn't my favorite holiday, so really, I don't ever get all that much into it. I have some years where I do for whatever reason but usually I'm so irritated by the commercialism that I don't want to get into it. Does that make sense?

Doug said...

Helen, it makes perfectly good sense. While I too am sometimes irritated by the commercialism, I still so much enjoy giving gifts to others. And, on the more selfish side; if it weren't for birthdays and Christmas, I wouldn't have half of the tools I have now (not that there are really that many).