The random thoughts and experiences of Bob and Debbies second son, Kelly's husband, Jonathan and Rebecca's dad and one of God's messed up creations.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I had a dream

About 20 minutes ago I woke from a rather lengthy dream. I was attending my high school class reunion, a day long afair held at a large hotel (actually the setting varies throughout the dream). At first, there weren't a whole lot of people there I knew, except my brother (why he was there I dont know). He and I hung out together for a while, then he disapeared from the dream. A few other people I recognised popped in and out of my dream, some from school, others from life. The two really interesting things in this dream were these:

The dinner buffet was beginning and Jonathan and Rebecca (who suddenly showed up in the dream) walk up next to me to get in line.However, instead of lining up with them I go upstairs to get changed into more appropriate clothing. I realise that under the jeans and shirt I have on is a suit and tie. All I have to do is peal off the outer layer.

As I am walking through the reception area prior to the buffet being ready, I happen into a guy I haven't seen in years. It is just a brief encounter, but the whole reason I decided to immediately get up and record part of the dream. As the guy and I approach each other, we smile as if we are happy to see each other, shake hands, and give each other a guy hug (shaking hands, 1 arm around the other guy with 2 or 3 quick pats on the back, release). Standing there next to him (and some other guy that I am pretty sure I knew, I can't remember who he was but I'm rather certain that he was a member of the football team), I notice but don't comment on his nice dress shirt and his tie. I also remark that I don't remember him being so tall (maybe 8-10 inches taller than me).

Does any of this mean anything? Who knows. Dream interpretation is not an exact science, if it is a science at all. I know that in most of my dreams that I have briefly remembered when waking there are some commonalities. Often, as in this dream, the settings change instantaneously. In this one, Jeff and I are walking down Old Taylor Mill road then turn around to find ourselves in the conference room of a hotel. Often, people in my dreams will turn their face away from me, then turn back and be something else. Analyse that Sigmund.

Having said that, I wonder if the part about the suit being under the jeans has anything to do with me finding a new job. Could it be that deep down under the blue jeans, dirty t-shirts and cut up hands is an executive (suit) wanting to come out? Or is that just what I want it to mean?

I am sure about one thing though. The guy I encountered at the reception never wore a tie, not even to his own funeral. I had a lot of respect for the man when he died and that respect has even grown since. There have been numerous times I've thought about him over the years, wondering what he would have done in a situation or how things may have been different if he had not had that accident. But this is the first time since his funeral that I clearly saw his face. When I woke, I realised that he was not in my graduating class and he probably shouldn't have been in the dream (same with the kids, Jeff, Vicki, Kelly and others). Something else also struck me, easiest said this way: Denny Klier, I wish you were still around and you are missed.